About Cecil Dermatology

Established Care for Our Community

Cecil Dermatology is located in the heart of Elkton, Maryland, in a location central to Cecil County residents and easy to access for our clients from Delaware and Pennsylvania. We have been providing much needed specialist dermatology care in our community for more than 15 years. Thanks to Dr. Scheiner, clients are able to receive needed skin biopsies, surgical excisions, and other dermatology care and/or medical weight loss assistance, without having to wait months for an appointment or having to travel to the nearest urban center.
A Unique Approach to Patient Care
Dr. Scheiner has a personal relationship with the pathologists at Union Hospital Christiana Care, which means that getting more information about a client’s specimen results is just a phone call away to a pathologist we personally know, rather than a call to a large pathology center with multiple locations and physicians. Our clients can be reassured that their pathology results are accurate and that Dr. Scheiner will recommend the appropriate treatment for whatever the diagnosis may be. We also have relationships with other local surgeons and oncology doctors if additional treatment is necessary.
Operating Suites
All surgical procedures are provided in our fully certified and accredited Upper Bay Surgery Center on Rt. 40 in Elkton. To obtain the absolute highest level of safety, our operating facilities are accredited by AAAHC. AAAHC accreditation is a voluntary process that symbolizes our commitment to providing high-quality health care by ensuring that our services are in compliance with nationally recognized standards. To learn more about AAAHC accreditation please visit their website at www.aaahc.org .Our surgical suites are staffed by board certified anesthesiologists, registered nurses and operating room technicians. The process of scheduling, pre-operative testing, actual procedure, and recovery is a smooth, well-orchestrated series of events.